(日本語は以下です) I wanted to take a moment to wish you an amazing 2015!!
In Japan, 年賀状 ("nengajo") are typically sent out in the beginning of the New Year to friends, family and colleagues. We have just passed from the Year of the Horse (2014) into the Year of the Sheep (2015).
The Year of the Sheep is a special one for me since it is my birth year. The Chinese Zodiac determines one's birth year in 12-year cycles, so if you know someone's birth year you can guess their age easily. That means all of you can easily calculate that I'll be 24 years old this year (don't I wish!).
In China, Year of the Sheep is called Year of the Lamb, and it's not a popular birth year since the lamb is seen as meek and passive. In Japan on the other hand, it's very popular since sheep are so kawaii (cute). But I call it Year of the RAM - because the male bighorn sheep are tough and resilient! I focus less on their fighting skills but instead their ability to CLIMB. Only mountain goats can do it better.
I felt that during 2014, our world moved in the right direction, and now we're finally ready to CLIMB in 2015. In 2014 I achieved a few personal milestones, including my first Boston Marathon and full Ironman triathlon - and 2015 I plan on focusing more on my career goals.
In 2015, I know there will continue to be challenges and even tragedies, as there always are, but with a renewed focus on healthy optimism that favors sustainability, we can climb towards a better goal.
On behalf of the talented team at TOKYOPOP and my other endeavors, I thank you for your support in 2014 and wish you an amazing 2015, Year of the RAM!
2015年は未年ですが、日本では人気があるらしいです。羊が可愛いということらしい。逆に中国では人気ない年です。なぜかというとイメージとして羊が弱くて負け組みだといいます。しかし、自分としては未年はビッグホーン(大角羊)の雄であるRAM(子羊のLAMBではなく)の年です。YEAR OF THE RAM!格闘が上手だけではなく、山登りが得意。今年はどんどん頂点に向かって皆様で登りましょう!!