Gojira. Godzilla. The undisputed heavyweight Kaiju champ. Quite literally a force of nature. The movie that came out this Summer rebooted him for world audiences, and was the first time, IMHO, that an American studio did justice to him. This year is the 60th anniversary of his Japanese debut, and the celebration has been going on all year in Japan. The celebration continues with a video game which will become available in Japan in a matter of days. We here on this side of the Pacific are going to have to wait for an English localization that will push the game's debut here in the States to next Summer.
There have been other Godzilla games before. However, they have been largely disappointing, with only one or two classic titles emerging like Gojira-san in Tokyo Bay. The Super NES had Super Godzilla, a fighting game where Godzilla goes after his Kaiju nemeses like Ryu goes after his Street Fighter nemeses.
And the Gamecube and also the original X-Box, (irony of ironies since X-Box was not a big hit in Japan) had Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee. Just as the name suggests, it was a free–for-all with all the classic Kaiju beating up on each other. Lots of collateral damage going on, too! It's somewhat of an update of Super Godzilla but of course the gameplay and the visuals were updated for the platform.
Here's the action from Destroy All Monsters Melee...this really does look like lots of fun.
However, nothing that came before can entirely prepare you for this. Here's the trailer that ran yesterday at the Game Awards in Vegas.
And here's a lengthy playthrough of the Japanese demo version. TL;DR summary? Gojira-san is powerful but not unbeatable, as he should be in a game. The main objective is to destroy a group of targets you are assigned to destroy, but also to kick the butts of the Kaiju that show up to distract you. You apparently only play as Gojira 2014, but hey, that's enough, isn't it? And you get the satisfaction of causing lots and lots of sweet, sweet collateral damage. Stomp everything? Break stuff? Heck yeah!
It will be a long wait for the English-localized version, but the game will be available both for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Sorry, X-Box One fans...