No sweat, with TOKYOPOP bandanas...

It's convention season, and hopefully you have your convention survival kit ready to go. Let me make a suggestion of what to add. I'm sure you've been in the exhibit hall when it's crowded with people. Yes, somewhere in that huge room there is a very overburdened central air system trying to keep things cool, but when there is a huge crowd in even the biggest exhibit hall, that air conditioning system isn't going to be cooling the air very well. So you get hot. And you sweat. And the sweat drips into your eyes. Not fun.

We have the solution! These bandanas might even be too cool to wear. Don't take our word for it, check them out:







princess_ai_bandana (1)

princess_ai_bandana (1)

Princess Ai bandana

These are available for the fairly inexpensive sum of $12.99 each. And like I said, you might not even want to use these for bandanas, you might want to just hang these up on your wall like wall scrolls, they're that pretty!

For those of you wanting more tips on how to make your con going experience more enjoyable, our good friends at Otaku no Podcast did an updated version of their Con Survival Guide for this year. The Con Survival Guide begins at 17:33 of the podcast.

Have fun this year!