Big News TOKYOPOP Fam:
The Robofish is rising! If you are heading to AX or SDCC, come to our panels to meet Stu Levy (Founder & CEO) and the TOKYOPOP team to get the scoop first-hand on TOKYOPOP’s comeback. We’ve got cool announcements, great guest panelists, and awesome giveaways! If you’re an artist, bring your portfolio for review, and if you’re a fan, bring all your questions!
Anime Expo: TOKYOPOP Thursday, 7/2/15, 12:45PM LACC Room 409AB
SDCC: TOKYOPOP: The Robofish Rises! Saturday, 7/11/15, 6:00PM Room 28DE
Try to get there early if you can! The first 50 attendees will receive a FREE Riding Shotgun poster!