One of our favorite cons every year is Anime Los Angeles. Since most of us are based in Los Angeles at least part of the time, the January event is a fun one for us. Since A-LA has pretty much maxed out its capacity at its current LA International Airport digs, it will be moving to the Ontario Convention Center in the Inland Empire next year.
In 2013 we did a panel, in 2014 Michelle "Ms. Geek" Klein-Hass did her Otagenki panel on geeks getting active, and we are back this time with an update on what we are up to.
Join Ms. Geek and Daniella Orihuela-Gruber on Saturday, January 10th, at 10:30am, as we chart the course for TOKYOPOP in 2015. Stu-senpai couldn't make it this year, as he's still in Asia, but he'll have a special message for you straight from Tokyo, JP.
We are also adopting one of A-LA's coolest traditions...we have TOKYOPOP badge ribbons! We assure you that if you make it to our panel, we will have a ribbon for you featuring our beloved little Robofish! If you want this ribbon you'd better make it to the panel! Our quantities are limited.
We will also be covering the con, so look for a person with a Canon camera around her neck, wearing Kigurumi. That would be Ms. Geek. Here's some of her photos from 2014!
This post will be updated as we have a better idea of what topics we'll be covering during the panel. So check here regularly up until the panel!