A feature film based on the original English-language manga series created by Australia Artist/Author Queenie Chan and published by TOKYOPOP. An Australian film made for an international audience, The Dreaming is being directed by Kate Wood (Looking for Alibrandi, Law & Order, Bones, Without a Trace) and is being written by Australian screenwriters Shayne Armstrong and Shane Krause. Producers include Michael Favelle (Bitter and Twisted, Three Blind Mice), Stu Levy (Priest, Van Von Hunter) and Robyn Kershaw (Bran Nue Dae, Looking for Alibrandi, Fireflies, Kath & Kim).
- GENRE: Suspense
- COMPARABLE TO: The Shining + Picnic at Hanging Rock
- FILMMAKER STYLE: Chris Columbus, Jay Russell
Mysterious forces are at work in an exclusive Australian boarding school, where twin sisters Amber and Jeanie are about to learn that the key to the school’s dark past may lie in the world of their dreams.