Tokyo International Players to Turn Tokyo Into 'Sensational Transylvania' with "The Rocky Horror Show" Performance

How'd you do I, see you met my faithful handymen...

The Tokyo International Players (TIP) are paying homage to Richard O'Brien's Sweet International-Vestite as they present their spectacular 119th season opener, "The Rocky Horror Show." Over six shows during Halloween weekend, the group will celebrate the rock-n-roll musical's 40th anniversary and turn Tokyo into a Sensational Transylvania.

In the coveted role of Frank "N" Furter is local star Phil McQueen. The cast also comprises Ilana Laborene and Sal Randazzo as Janet and Brad, Grant Johnson as Riff Raff, Shayna Magnuson as Magenta, Gini Benson as Columbia, Andrew Martinez as Eddie, Chris Lamatsch as Dr. Scott, and Takashi Russell Nakagome as Rocky. The director of the show, Jonah Hagans, will play the role of the Narrator (and we bet there will be plenty of people who will want to come just to heckle him!). Completing the cast are Barbara Capilos, Charles Lent, Saya Suetsugu, and Ra'Chelni M. "Ra" Weir II.

Audience participation and costumes are highly encouraged- in fact you may get called out by the Players if you look anywhere near not having a good time. If participation sounds more pleasurable than painful to you, you can enter a lottery after purchasing your tickets to win a chance to dance on stage as a party guest.

Founded in 1896, TIP is a theatrical organization comprised primarily of the Tokyo foreign community and provides quality English-language entertainment for international audiences.

If you find yourself in Japan this Halloween, catch the "Rocky Horror Show"at Theater Sun-mall (Shinjuku Gyoenmae Station on the Marunouchi line), Thursday, Oct 29 and Friday, Oct 30 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Oct 31 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov 1 at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tickets are ¥4,500 (¥3,800 with Early-Bird Paypal purchase until Oct 1).

Get tickets before madness takes its toll:
